Complies With China’s Data Regulations and Improves Reporting Performance
Oracle 12.2
Leading Publishing Company Upgrades to OBIEE 12c
Improves Reporting Performance by Migrating from OBIEE 10g to 12c within 7 Weeks
Large American Manufacturer of Aluminum Railroad Freight Cars Partners With ITC
To Upgrade, Test And Deploy Oracle EBS 12.2.8
Global Leader in Color Science and Technology Entrusts ITC
To Implement EBS R12.2 Together With Project Management, Testing & Development
Global Smart Home Technology Manufacturer Implements EBS 12.2 Globally
Worldwide Leader in Universal Control and Sensing Technologies for The Smart Home...
A Global Networking Company Partners with IT Convergence
To rollout Oracle EBS R12.2 in its international operations
Qualcomm Integrates Its Oracle Instance and Improves Visibility across APAC Operations
IT Convergence (ITC) helped roll out Oracle and R12.1.3 Financials and Procure...
AGL Resources Upgrades its Oracle EBS from 11i to R12.2.4 in 6 Months
AGL Resources leveraged IT Convergence’s R12 expertise to take its subsidiary Pivotal...
A Crude Oil Transportation Provider leaves its Pipedream behind and Implements Oracle R12
IT Convergence assesses its client and finds that an Oracle R12 implementation is the...