Most ERP databases running for years constitute significant data footprints that are...
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Cloud Managed Services
ERP Data Growth Methods: ‘Archive and Purge’ vs. Database Compression
Growth in data volumes can be driven by numerous factors, and pressuring the storage...
8 Best Practices for ERP Database Cleaning with Archive and Purge on your growing data
By 2025, IDC predicts worldwide data will grow 61% to 175 zettabytes, with as much of...
Integrated Business Planning with Oracle EPBCS
Investments in financial planning and analytics (FP&A) solutions are growing as data...
9 Best Practices for Fraud Risk Management
On average, organizations lose 5 percent of their annual revenue to fraud each year,...
4 Steps to Business-IT Alignment for Cloud IaaS Adoption
According to Gartner, you can successfully align your Cloud IaaS to your long-term...
On-Premise and SaaS Coexistence – Adopting a Hybrid ERP Strategy
Gartner predicts that by 2019, 80% of organizations will use a combination of...
Why Should You Use Automation in Cloud Migration?
Based on an IDG survey, 77% of enterprises have at least one application or a portion of...
Should Your Company Do a SaaS ERP Migration?
The decision of doing a SaaS ERP migration of your on-prem ERP system requires careful...
How to Create a Successful SaaS Migration Roadmap
Organizations of all sizes are planning to replace or complement their on-premises ERP...