A Real RPA Use Case: Using Robots to comply with Privacy Acts

August 21, 2019

In another entry of RPA Use Cases, we will go over an specific RPA use case that came from a real requirement from one of our customers. As we know the California Consumer Privacy Act and similar regulations from other states require that organizations provide the information they keep about their customers, affiliates, members or any other group of related parties they store information in their systems.

Getting this information requires multiple inquiries to systems built with different technologies to query the available data about a person. It’s not a complex process but a very time consuming one.

RPA is the perfect solution to this requirement. By applying RPA, robots (which are an automated process) can login to applications through the User Interface layer without requiring any modification to the applications; navigate to any form or page, query information and then extract the results using scraping technology to collect the information required and place it on a document or spreadsheet.

The Robot imitates the same steps a human user would execute and so does not require any additional developments, data extracts or interfaces. The same query forms and windows used by humans are also used by robots to get the information.

This ability to navigate through applications built with different technologies allows us to create a cohesive and integrated process that can quickly login to multiple applications, query and extract specific information about a person from each one, prepare a detailed document with that information and even send it as an email attachment to the requestor in a matter of minutes.

RPA is changing the way companies operate and brings important opportunities to improve efficiencies by automating activities that were previously executed by humans. If you want know how you can apply best RPA in your operations, request your assessment below.

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